Neighborhood Frog Day

August 24, 2018  •  7 Comments

Frog day 7Frog day 7 Neighborhood Frog Day

When I was a child my sister would gather the neighborhood children to put on a play, or we would gather around my father and he would tell us a Laughing Man story, or we would all hang out at Black Bridge to climb around and have fun. 

This week the children in my neighborhood had a Neighborhood Frog Day. We have a lovely neighbor across the street by the name of Sandy. She has an amazing culvert under her driveway where all the beautiful frogs live.  Frog Day size-15Frog Day size-15 If you have the knack, as these three girls do, you can catch frog after frog after frog. Frog Day size-2Frog Day size-2 Not just one frog, not just two frogs, but TEN frogs! Frog Day size-45Frog Day size-45 Little Bennett was absolutely thrilled with the process. Here is the evidence... Frog Day size-5Frog Day size-5 Frog Day size-9Frog Day size-9 Frog Day size-11Frog Day size-11 Hahaha! Lily and Bennett are still holding and petting a frog who, as you can see, went for a flight! Frog Day size-8Frog Day size-8

Bennett needed his nap... Frog Day size-30Frog Day size-30 he said good bye. The girls decided to share some Frog Love with the neighborhood. Frog Day size-16Frog Day size-16

First stop...the Riemens. Frog Day size-55Frog Day size-55 Here the entrepreneur spirit blossomed. Allow your neighbor to rent a small sized frog at $15.00 per hour.  Frog Day size-23Frog Day size-23 There was some opposition to this "scheme" from various corners of the universe. Instead the neighborhood children went from door to door to get signatures of friends who wanted to view their frogs. First stop, Webers... Frog Day size-25Frog Day size-25 Here, the Webers house talked to the Frog Peddlers but no one was home. Next stop, Mia and Laken... Frog Day size-29Frog Day size-29

No one stop, Johnathan and Gavin... Frog Day size-27Frog Day size-27 Yay! Mr. Mike was home to give his Frog Lover's signature but alas, no boys. It is hard work peddling frogs around the neighborhood to get Frog Lover signatures! Time for some fortifying tea and scones or in this case, tea and bagels. Frog Day size-33Frog Day size-33 Frog Day size-31Frog Day size-31 Before all the frogs figured out how to escape all over the house... Frog Day size-38Frog Day size-38 we had to get in a Froggy Fotoshoot! Callie 2Callie 2 Charlotte 1Charlotte 1 Lily 1Lily 1 Frog day 6Frog day 6 Frog Day size-44Frog Day size-44 Frog Day size-43Frog Day size-43 You get the idea. Now back to Sandy's culvert to let all ten frogs have a rest from the day's excursions.  Frog Day size-47Frog Day size-47 The end of a very successful Neighborhood Frog Day. 

Frog day 4Frog day 4


Leslie Riemen(non-registered)
Love it! So fun!! :)
Loved this! Well done.
David Bennett(non-registered)
What a lovely story and beautifully illustrated too with your photo's. The delight on the little boy's face was lovely to see. So pleased to see another blog post from you. David.
Darling blog! One day a handsome prince will appear after kissing a frog!
Sandy Kogan(non-registered)
Sue you should be an author and write a book. Thanks for this fun mini story and photos. Bennett had a “ball”!! Such great neighborhood of friendly loving kids (and adult too).
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